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Comprehensive market data for North American beef & pork.
Why pay a fortune for essential data of the N.A. meat industry when you can get it for free?
Gain access to user-friendly market data and analytics from the last 12 months across the following categories.
By-Product Drop Value
Prices and volumes of offal and other by-products.
Meat Production
Get historical estimated and actual data for livestock slaughter, meat production and average live and carcass weights.
Prices of Livestock
Comprehensive historical volume and price data for cattle and hogs.
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EMEAT offers analytics and visualization tools to help you spot risks and opportunities.
With EMEAT's Compare tool you can compare multiple data series displaying up to five price time series simultaneously.
It allows you to visualize and analyze daily weighted average prices in a clear and detailed way, making it easier to identify trends and make strategic decisions in real time.
Both prices & volumes, with views by Quality, Sales Type, Destination & Delivery Period.
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